Astro Travelin'

I always loved traveling. Some people look at mass transit as crap, which it could be at times. But sometimes its like a getaway for me. I remember a couple of summers ago, I attempted to catch every bus in Baltimore. Why? No reason just to do it. Right now Im on the light rail going to see my parents, sisters, and <strike>son</strike> nephew. I like catching the light rail more than the bus. Its faster, silent, less hooded, and cleaner than any bus in Baltimore. Speaking of traveling I plan on going to alot of places in 09. New York, Chicago, Jersey, Delaware, and a couple others. Traveling is the shit, if you not doing it, your missing out. I like to bring a notebook, camera, food, and some music when I go anywhere. So I can script and capture moments. Well Im off to continue looking out of the window. Enjoy yourselfs.

-Malcolm Maximillion